Gerrit Jan van der Grijn

Gerrit Jan van der Grijn

It is with the utmost confidence that I recommend Urban Devco, in particular Mrs. Manda Smit, to you for all matters related to spatial planning, town planning, business development and residential development as well as consultancy services pertaining to...


Greengate Adding value by design The multi-disciplinary team of Urban Devco which includes the Design Node, Urban Studies and Eco Assessments compiled the Greengate Masterplan. The property is 34 hectares in extent and is strategically located in Muldersdrift. It is...
Gerrit Jan van der Grijn

HP van Aswegen | Director Letamo Estate

This letter confirms that the developers of Letamo Estate have employed the services of Manda Smit, presently the owner and Principal planner of Urban Devco cc, since the inception of the development in 1999, on an ongoing basis. She has successfully dealt with inter...
Gerrit Jan van der Grijn

Warren Fischer | Director Rand Leases

This letter serves to confirm that we have engaged Manda’s services for more than 15 years, where she has assisted with large-scale mixed-use Township Applications. Manda is always professional, efficient and adds tremendous value and insight through years of Town...
Gerrit Jan van der Grijn

Shaun Maharaj | Group Financial Director

Urban Devco has been assisting Fidelity Security Services with town planning related matters since 2014. They are highly competent with the following attributes that can be highlighted: Their level of knowledge and understanding of spatial planning and the...
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