What we do
Professional Services
Specialist advice in terms of built environment legislation
Land Use Schemes
Land Use amendments (Rezonings)
Consent uses
Township applications
Subdivisions and consolidations
Removal or amendment of restrictive title conditions
Tribunals and appeal cases
Development concepts and layout planning
Spatial Planning
Precinct Plans
GIS mapping solutions
Project facilitation and co-ordination
Strategic property development advice
Multi-disciplinary Team
Urban Devco has a network of seasoned professionals/consultants (architects, urban designers, landscape architects, environmental specialists, heritage specialists, market researchers, civil-, traffic-, electrical-, geo-technical- and mining engineers) who contribute to the success of development projects by adding their professional expertise in a multi-disciplinary environment.
Professional Affiliations :
- South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN)
- South African Planning Institute (SAPI)
- South African Association of Consulting Professional Planners (SAACPP)
- South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA)